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Each person is an individual. We have our own thoughts, our own feelings, our own morals...our own faces.  In the news we hear about rouge soldiers, in various countries, who perform brutal killings or torture. Deindividuation explains that as you take away a person's individuality, they feels as thought they are no longer themselves and they do things they would not do under ordinary circumstances.
This study was conducted by Phillip Zimbardo, who wanted to know why prisoners acted so differently when they were released from prison. He conducted his study in the basement of the Stanford college Psychology wing, with several other individuals. He began his study by creating a newspaper add for testing subjects. As the applications came in he called them in for physical and mental testing. Out of these he choose only those that seemed to be strongest in mind and body. He then randomly slip them into two groups, prisoners or prison guards. The guards were told to play the part of the guard and were given sunglasses and Billy-sticks to keep the prisoners in line. The prisoners were arrested realistically and put in the "Prison cells" where the researchers could study the interaction between the two. The Guards became power hungry and brutal, while the prisoners became anxious and submissive. The study ended after five days because Zimbardo's Fiancé told him it was inhuman to do this to those boys. The experiment ended immediately and the boys were released.

Stanford Prison Study