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Where do we get our Attitudes?


    • Conditioning
      • Getting rewarded for behaviors consistent with attitude
        • I am praised for winning the race, thus I work out harder.

                                             EXAMPLE: I get money for every “A” I get, so I study harde

    • Observational learning
      • Watching others perform a task and get rewarded for it
        • The “popular” kids like Abercrombie, so I like Abercrombie

                                      EXAMPLE: Joey walks his dog and gets a cookie, so I will walk my dog this weekend

    • Cognitive evaluation
      • Beliefs formed on evaluation of evidence
        • Gatorade helps Athletes perform on a higher level, so I drink Gatorade

                                      EXAMPLE: Reading makes Johnny a smarter student, so I read more.



    • Cognitive Anchor
      • “Person’s earliest attitudes – persistent beliefs that shape way he sees world and interprets events”
        • I grew up with cats, I live with cats, I have a cat, and so I have a strong liking of cats.

                                            EXAMPLE: I grew up watching Disney movies, I like Disney movies, and so, I have a strong liking of Disney movies.